Four Ways to Setup Your Home For Big Parties

Quarantine restrictions are now easing up in various parts of the country. In addition, multiple states are now opening themselves to domestic and international travel. As more people get vaccinated, more details of the country can start opening up.
The CDC now allows certain occasions and events to be held with fully vaccinated people. You can learn more about what the CDC is recommending by clicking here.
Families are now holding reunions and bring-in friends and family members into their homes. However, if you’re planning to have a long-awaited party in your home, you will need to prepare and take extra precautions. Here’s how you can set up your home for a big party.

Send and Confirm Invitations

The first thing you should do is send out invitations to your guests. You’ll want to do this a few weeks in advance, so everyone has time to plan and RSVP. You should also include important information about the party in the invitation, such as the date, time, location, and dress code.
Once you’ve sent out the invitations, follow up with a phone call or email a week before the party to confirm that your guests are still coming. This is especially important if you’re expecting out-of-towners. Keep note of every visitor you have and where they came from.
You must do this to know how many people you have. In addition, it’ll help you set up social distancing guidelines and figure out how many people you can have in your home at one time. For example, the CDC recommends people stay at least six feet away from others. Sending and confirming invitations will also help keep track of the people inside your party so that you can contact them if someone gets sick.
A beautfully set dinner table

Prepare Your Home

Now that you know how many people are coming, it’s time to start preparing your home. For example, if you’re expecting a lot of visitors, you may need to move some furniture around to create more space. You should also declutter your home and get rid of any unnecessary items. This will help reduce the spread of germs and make it easier for people to move around your home.
Another thing you should do is prepare your kitchenware and utensils. If you lack some, consider buying a 12-piece dinnerware set for your guests. If you have extra from the set, that’s good. You can still use it in the future. Plus, investing money into new dinnerware is never bad since you can always use them in the future.
You might also want to purchase a new table if you’re expecting many guests. A table can make a difference in how people interact with each other and make it easier to have conversations. In addition, it’ll make social distancing a lot easier.
If you’re having trouble finding a table that fits your needs, try looking online or in furniture stores. You can also ask family and friends if they know of any good places to buy one.

Plan the Menu

Now it’s time to start thinking about what you will serve at the party. If you’re having a sit-down meal, make sure you have enough food and drink for all of your guests. You should also have some non-alcoholic options for those who don’t drink or are driving.
If you have a buffet, make sure there’s enough food for everyone and that it’s properly labeled. You should also put out utensils and plates so people can serve themselves. It’s essential to have a variety of food so everyone can find something they like.
You should also think about any allergies your guests may have. If you’re not sure, ask them when you confirm their attendance. You can make accommodations for them and still have a great party.

Extra Preparations

Once you’ve prepared your home and menu, you should do a few other things to ensure that your party is a success.
One thing you should do is create a playlist of music that everyone can enjoy. You can also make sure that there’s enough seating for everyone. If you’re having trouble finding enough chairs, try borrowing some from friends or family.
Another thing you should do is create a list of activities for people to do. This will help prevent people from getting bored and make the party fun. Some ideas include playing games, watching movies, or taking a tour of your home.
You should also think about what time the party will start and end. It’s essential to be respectful of your guests’ time and ensure that everyone knows when the party is over.
Finally, you should clean your home before the party, so it’s presentable for your guests. This includes vacuuming, dusting, and mopping. You should also make sure that there are no dangerous items lying around.
Hosting a party during the coronavirus pandemic can be difficult, but with careful planning, it can still be a success. Always keep in mind the safety of your guests and yourself, and you’ll surely have a great time.

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