How to Graft An Avocado Tree

Grafting avocado trees is a crucial technique in horticulture, especially for avocado cultivation. It allows for the combination of desirable traits or the improvement of tree health.

Since avocado trees are susceptible to various diseases, grafting onto resistant rootstocks can enhance their ability to withstand these challenges. Additionally, grafting enables the propagation of avocado varieties that are difficult to grow from seeds, ensuring a more reliable and consistent supply of desired avocado cultivars.

In this article, readers can learn the step-by-step process of grafting avocado trees, including the selection of scion and rootstock, the grafting technique, and proper aftercare. We will also discuss the different avocado varieties suitable for grafting and provide tips for successful grafting.

What Do You Mean by Grafting Avocado?

a small tree on a hand

Grafting in the context of avocado trees refers to joining a scion (a desired avocado variety) onto a rootstock, which acts as the root system. This technique is widely used in avocado cultivation for different purposes, primarily to reproduce specific avocado varieties and enhance disease resistance.

Namely, growing an avocado tree from seeds often exhibits unpredictable characteristics, including fruit quality and disease susceptibility. By grafting, growers can ensure that the desired avocado variety is reproduced accurately, with traits such as fruit size, taste, and texture being maintained. This allows for consistent production of high-quality avocados that meet market demands.

Another reason why grafting in avocado cultivation is crucial is disease resistance. Certain rootstocks are known to resist or tolerate specific diseases, such as root rot or Phytophthora cinnamomi. By grafting the scion onto a disease-resistant rootstock, you can protect your avocado trees from potential infections, ultimately improving the overall health and productivity of the orchard.

Choosing the Right Root and Scion

The success of grafting relies heavily on selecting the right rootstock and scion combination. The rootstock determines the growth characteristics, disease resistance, and adaptability to various soil conditions, while the scion determines the fruit quality and characteristics. So, choosing compatible rootstock and scion ensures a successful graft union, leading to a healthy and productive avocado tree.

Furthermore, selecting the appropriate rootstock and scion is crucial for achieving optimal tree vigour, fruit yield, and overall orchard performance. A well-matched combination ensures that the tree will thrive in its specific environment, leading to improved productivity and profitability for the grower.

How to Graft an Avocado Tree


If you want to learn how to graft avocados on your own, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Gather the necessary tools and materials, including a sharp knife, grafting tape, grafting wax, and rubbing alcohol. Ensure that all tools are clean and sterilized to prevent the spread of diseases.
  • Step 2: Select a healthy rootstock from a one-year-old avocado seedling and a scion from a desired avocado variety. Both should be of similar diameter for a successful graft.
  • Step 3: Prepare the rootstock by making a clean, diagonal cut about 6 inches above the soil line. Cut the scion with a long, sloping cut, leaving two to three buds intact.
  • Step 4: Match the cuts on the rootstock and scion, ensuring they fit together snugly. Use a whip-and-tongue or cleft grafting technique, following detailed instructions specific to each method.
  • Step 5: Secure the graft by wrapping it tightly with grafting tape, starting from the base and working upwards. Apply grafting wax to seal the cut surfaces and prevent moisture loss.
  • Step 6: After grafting, provide the grafted tree with proper care. Keep the tree in a warm, humid environment, shielded from direct sunlight. Water regularly to maintain moisture and promote healing.

Potential Challenges and Tips

Sliced Avocado

When grafting avocado trees, avoid touching the cut surfaces with bare hands to prevent contamination. Also, remember to handle the scion carefully to avoid damaging the buds. And whatever you do, do not disturb or move the grafted tree excessively during the healing process.

As for how you can improve your grafting avocado skills, here are a few tips:

  • Choose a rootstock that is disease-resistant and matches the desired tree size.
  • Graft during the avocado tree’s active growth period, typically in spring.
  • Maintain sterility by wiping the tools with rubbing alcohol between cuts.

When Can You Expect Results?

Results from grafting an avocado tree can typically be seen within 2–3 weeks. During this time, it is important to provide optimal care to ensure successful growth. The grafted avocado tree should be placed in a warm and sunny location, with temperatures ideally ranging between 60-85°F (15-29°C).

Regular watering is essential, ensuring that the soil is consistently moist but not waterlogged. Avoid overwatering as it can lead to root rot or the avocado leaves turning brown. Fertilize the tree with a balanced fertilizer every 4–6 weeks, following the instructions on the packaging. Of course, pruning any damaged or diseased branches is helpful.

With proper care, the grafted avocado tree should continue growing and potentially bear fruit within 3–5 years.

Bottom Line

This is how to graft an avocado! As you can see, using proper technique and care is essential to achieve successful grafting. Some key points we covered include the ability to combine desirable traits from different avocado varieties, such as improved fruit quality or disease resistance, and the potential to increase avocado production.

Avocado grafting also allows for the propagation of avocado trees that are not easily grown from seeds. We encourage you to explore avocado grafting further, experiment with different techniques, and potentially enjoy the benefits of your efforts, such as a bountiful harvest of high-quality avocados.

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