
old pet

Caring for Your Aging Pet Before They Pass

No one is ever really ready to say goodbye to a pet. They become a part of the family, and like any other family member, their passing will leave a void. As a pet owner, you are responsible for ensuring your animals are as comfortable as possible in their final days. Here are a few

little girl loves her dog

New House: How to Help Your Pet Adjust More Quickly

Moving into a new house can be difficult for everyone in the family, including your pets. Pets are creatures of habit, and they may feel anxious or confused when disrupting their routine. You can do a few things to help your pet adjust more quickly to the change. Here are some tips. 1. Give your


Useful Tips on Preparing Your Dog for Their New Home

They may become stressed and confused whether you’re bringing a new dog to your house or relocating them. Dogs can feel stress, too, and many factors can contribute to their thoughts. One of them is anxiety which can worsen if they’re not familiar with the environment they were brought into. As a pet owner, you have more


Importance of Having an Outdoor Space for Your Pets

Providing your pet with a safe outdoor space is essential for their health and well-being. By giving them a designated area to play in, you can help keep them active and entertained while also ensuring that they’re safe from potential hazards. It’s important to choose a space that’s enclosed and fenced in, so be sure

cat sleeping with its owner

What are the Benefits of Being a Cat Lover?

Cats are famous for being mysterious or the millions of internet memes, but they are also popular companions as they make people feel happy and content. There are many benefits to being a cat lover, both for the person and for their feline friends. Whether you’re considering getting a cat or are already a fan

woman laughing with her pet dog

Three Ways to Establish a Conscious Connection with Your Pet

Animals are more than just living creatures. Pet owners treat their pets almost like human beings and view them as family members. Stories about rescue animals on social media have touched millions of people’s hearts, which is why it’s not surprising why pet adoption increased during the pandemic. In New Zealand, pet shelters experienced a high

moving into new home

Relocation Blues: From the Perspective of Your House Pet

Have you ever wondered if the choices you make for yourself and your family could be impacting your pet’s life too? After all, your pet is also an autonomous being that could be living an entire life of its own without your knowledge, but you wouldn’t know that because you exist on different wavelengths. For

dog sleeping

What Could Be Making Your Dogs Sick in Your House?

How comforting it is to think that our homes are paradises on Earth, that there is nothing safer in this world than it. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking always leaves us to take our homes for granted. Instead of maintaining it as we should, we neglect the needs of our homes. We take comfort in

dog and cat

Saying Goodbye: What to Do When a Pet Dies in Your Home

Many people love pets. Statistics have shown that more than half of Americans own pets, that’s about 85 million people. However, most of these pet owners do not know what to do when their pets pass away. It can be a distressful moment in anyone’s life and know that it’s okay to grieve during these moments.

pet dog with leash

How to Make Relocating Stress-Free for Pets

Moving can be an exciting and anxiety-inducing endeavor. On the one hand, there’s excitement in knowing that you’re moving into your dream home. But on the other hand, you also have quite a lot of packing, planning, and running around to do. Now imagine the latter with pets underfoot. Pets, especially cats and dogs, are

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